Thursday, 19 January 2012

Today i going to talk about  an ad that i like very much because is very convincing and impulse you to practice sport with more passion.

This ad is about the Argentinian people and how they see the soccer.

At  the beginning  appear people talking about all the good things that other countries have, but Argentina doesn't have  for example they said that in US cars stop at the moment you put a foot on the street or  in Spain people share bicycles and no one try to  steal it , etc..
 In the middle of the spot appear people from the countries that Argentinians were talking about, but they talk about goods things of Argentina specifically about the soccer and how they live this sport very passionately.
I think the main message is to stop to highlight the bad thinks about ours and see the good things we have.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Hello Everybody,

This is my Blog. I will be updating it every week.